iPhone 4 FW 4.3.1 JB a 5.0.1 ?

Ciao ragazzi, sono nuovo nel forum :slight_smile: Come da user, si capisce che mi chiamo Mario…sono possessore di un iPhone 4 con FW 4.3.1 JB e vorrei ripristinarlo portandolo al FW 5.0.1, ma è tutto il giorno che iTunes mi da l’errore 3194 oppure 1000 e rotti…ho provato anche col metodo tinyumbrella e con iReb, ho eliminato la stringa, l’ho reinserita, ho provato su di un altro pc…ma non sono riuscito mai ad upgradare. Forse perchè l’Apple, essendo uscito il FW 5.1, non mi permette di fare ciò ? O sbaglio qualcosa io ?
( la mia intenzione è ripristinare al FW 5.0.1 per poi fare il JB untethered…insomma ripristino per non perdere i famosi 500mb )
Attendo vostre risposte ragazzi, spero di non aver fatto troppa confusione e di essere stato chiaro… :slight_smile: A presto.

ciao :wink: essendo nuovo sarebbe carino se ti presentassi nell apposita sezione http://www.iphoneitalia.com/forum/presentazione-nuovi-utenti/


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Fatto, attendo solo che qualcuno mi dia una mano, ora :slight_smile:

L argomento è stato molto trattato ultimamente Mario…se hai gli shsh salvati con Tiny umbrella potrai creare un custom firmware con ifaith di iOS 5.0.1 e ripristinarlo,altrimenti dovrai per forza
Metter su iOS 5.1

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Quindi non avendo mai upgradato al 5.0.1 non posso in nessun modo giusto ? Gli shsh non posso mica reperirli…correggetemi se sbaglio…:slight_smile:

Visto ke hai il jailbreak apri cydia e nella schermata home trovi in alto la dicitura SHSH: in verde! Elenca quali shsh hai! :wink:

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dunque, mi dice SHSH: 4.3.3 4.3.5 5.0.1 5.1

fammi sapere se posso jailbreakare upgradando a 5.0.1 :slight_smile:

Bene, hai gli shsh di ios 5.0.1!!
Adesso segui la guida per il downgrade ke ho nella mia firma e stai apposto! :slight_smile:

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ottima notizia…ma come mai li avrei salvati se non ho mai aggiornato oltre la 4.3.1 ?! :expressionless:
e soprattutto…sul pc da cydia come li importo ? Tinyumbrella ?

per salvarli nn devi avere per forza quel firmware… cydia li salva in automatico ogni volta ke apple rilascia il nuovo firmware!!
adesso scaricati tinyumbrella dalla pagina dello sviluppatore, poi collega l’iphone al pc apri tinyumbrella e clicca su “save shsh” in questo modo porterai fisicamente i certificati di cydia anche su pc e potrai utilizzarli ora con ifaith per crearti il custom di ios 5.0.1 e quindi potrai ripristinarlo!! :slight_smile:

quindi dovrei:
1-ripristinare tramite iTunes l’iPhone al 5.1 ( col metodo di shift+ripristina )
2-creare custom firmware 5.0.1 con ifaith
3-ripristinare tramite iTunes l’iPhone al 5.0.1 custom fw

giusto ?

P.S.: non mi rileva l’iPhone in TU…devo forse metterlo in recovery o DFU ?

EDIT: su un altro pc funziona, ed ecco il log:

03/29/2012 15:51:36.103 Started saving SHSHs for [Mariocò]
03/29/2012 15:51:44.726 For version [iPhone4 5.0b1 (9A5220p)] - This device isn’t eligible for the requested build.
03/29/2012 15:51:44.767 APPLE is NOT signing iPhone4 5.0b1 (9A5220p) SHSH requests anymore. All you can do now is select CYDIA and hope that CYDIA has your SHSH saved. If not, there is nothing you can do.
03/29/2012 15:51:44.908 For version [iPhone4 4.1 (8B117)] - This device isn’t eligible for the requested build.
03/29/2012 15:51:44.924 APPLE is NOT signing iPhone4 4.1 (8B117) SHSH requests anymore. All you can do now is select CYDIA and hope that CYDIA has your SHSH saved. If not, there is nothing you can do.
03/29/2012 15:51:45.065 For version [iPhone4 4.2.1 (8C148)] - This device isn’t eligible for the requested build.
03/29/2012 15:51:45.103 APPLE is NOT signing iPhone4 4.2.1 (8C148) SHSH requests anymore. All you can do now is select CYDIA and hope that CYDIA has your SHSH saved. If not, there is nothing you can do.
03/29/2012 15:51:45.189 For version [iPhone4 4.0.1 (8A306)] - This device isn’t eligible for the requested build.
03/29/2012 15:51:45.208 APPLE is NOT signing iPhone4 4.0.1 (8A306) SHSH requests anymore. All you can do now is select CYDIA and hope that CYDIA has your SHSH saved. If not, there is nothing you can do.
03/29/2012 15:51:45.386 For version [iPhone4 4.3 (8F190)] - This device isn’t eligible for the requested build.
03/29/2012 15:51:45.421 APPLE is NOT signing iPhone4 4.3 (8F190) SHSH requests anymore. All you can do now is select CYDIA and hope that CYDIA has your SHSH saved. If not, there is nothing you can do.
03/29/2012 15:51:45.497 For version [iPhone4 4.3.4 (8K2)] - This device isn’t eligible for the requested build.
03/29/2012 15:51:45.514 APPLE is NOT signing iPhone4 4.3.4 (8K2) SHSH requests anymore. All you can do now is select CYDIA and hope that CYDIA has your SHSH saved. If not, there is nothing you can do.
03/29/2012 15:51:45.698 For version [iPhone4 4.3b2 (8F5153d)] - This device isn’t eligible for the requested build.
03/29/2012 15:51:45.777 APPLE is NOT signing iPhone4 4.3b2 (8F5153d) SHSH requests anymore. All you can do now is select CYDIA and hope that CYDIA has your SHSH saved. If not, there is nothing you can do.
03/29/2012 15:51:45.866 For version [iPhone4 4.3.2 (8H7)] - This device isn’t eligible for the requested build.
03/29/2012 15:51:45.888 APPLE is NOT signing iPhone4 4.3.2 (8H7) SHSH requests anymore. All you can do now is select CYDIA and hope that CYDIA has your SHSH saved. If not, there is nothing you can do.
03/29/2012 15:51:46.007 For version [iPhone4 5.0b3 (9A5259f)] - This device isn’t eligible for the requested build.
03/29/2012 15:51:46.056 APPLE is NOT signing iPhone4 5.0b3 (9A5259f) SHSH requests anymore. All you can do now is select CYDIA and hope that CYDIA has your SHSH saved. If not, there is nothing you can do.
03/29/2012 15:51:46.141 For version [iPhone4 5.0b5 (9A5288d)] - This device isn’t eligible for the requested build.
03/29/2012 15:51:46.168 APPLE is NOT signing iPhone4 5.0b5 (9A5288d) SHSH requests anymore. All you can do now is select CYDIA and hope that CYDIA has your SHSH saved. If not, there is nothing you can do.
03/29/2012 15:51:46.362 For version [iPhone4 5.0b7 (9A5313e)] - This device isn’t eligible for the requested build.
03/29/2012 15:51:46.404 APPLE is NOT signing iPhone4 5.0b7 (9A5313e) SHSH requests anymore. All you can do now is select CYDIA and hope that CYDIA has your SHSH saved. If not, there is nothing you can do.
03/29/2012 15:51:46.495 For version [iPhone4 5.0.1 (9A405)] - This device isn’t eligible for the requested build.
03/29/2012 15:51:46.516 APPLE is NOT signing iPhone4 5.0.1 (9A405) SHSH requests anymore. All you can do now is select CYDIA and hope that CYDIA has your SHSH saved. If not, there is nothing you can do.
03/29/2012 15:51:46.733 For version [iPhone4 5.1b2 (9B5127c)] - This device isn’t eligible for the requested build.
03/29/2012 15:51:46.774 APPLE is NOT signing iPhone4 5.1b2 (9B5127c) SHSH requests anymore. All you can do now is select CYDIA and hope that CYDIA has your SHSH saved. If not, there is nothing you can do.
03/29/2012 15:51:47.131 For version [iPhone4 4.0 (8A293)] - This device isn’t eligible for the requested build.
03/29/2012 15:51:47.186 APPLE is NOT signing iPhone4 4.0 (8A293) SHSH requests anymore. All you can do now is select CYDIA and hope that CYDIA has your SHSH saved. If not, there is nothing you can do.
03/29/2012 15:51:47.534 For version [iPhone4 4.0.2 (8A400)] - This device isn’t eligible for the requested build.
03/29/2012 15:51:47.582 APPLE is NOT signing iPhone4 4.0.2 (8A400) SHSH requests anymore. All you can do now is select CYDIA and hope that CYDIA has your SHSH saved. If not, there is nothing you can do.
03/29/2012 15:51:47.874 For version [iPhone4 4.2b3 (8C5115c)] - This device isn’t eligible for the requested build.
03/29/2012 15:51:47.921 APPLE is NOT signing iPhone4 4.2b3 (8C5115c) SHSH requests anymore. All you can do now is select CYDIA and hope that CYDIA has your SHSH saved. If not, there is nothing you can do.
03/29/2012 15:51:48.223 For version [iPhone4 4.3b1 (8F5148b)] - This device isn’t eligible for the requested build.
03/29/2012 15:51:48.273 APPLE is NOT signing iPhone4 4.3b1 (8F5148b) SHSH requests anymore. All you can do now is select CYDIA and hope that CYDIA has your SHSH saved. If not, there is nothing you can do.
03/29/2012 15:51:48.546 For version [iPhone4 4.3b3 (8F5166b)] - This device isn’t eligible for the requested build.
03/29/2012 15:51:48.596 APPLE is NOT signing iPhone4 4.3b3 (8F5166b) SHSH requests anymore. All you can do now is select CYDIA and hope that CYDIA has your SHSH saved. If not, there is nothing you can do.
03/29/2012 15:51:48.862 For version [iPhone4 4.3.1 (8G4)] - This device isn’t eligible for the requested build.
03/29/2012 15:51:48.913 APPLE is NOT signing iPhone4 4.3.1 (8G4) SHSH requests anymore. All you can do now is select CYDIA and hope that CYDIA has your SHSH saved. If not, there is nothing you can do.
03/29/2012 15:51:49.188 For version [iPhone4 4.3.3 (8J2)] - This device isn’t eligible for the requested build.
03/29/2012 15:51:49.239 APPLE is NOT signing iPhone4 4.3.3 (8J2) SHSH requests anymore. All you can do now is select CYDIA and hope that CYDIA has your SHSH saved. If not, there is nothing you can do.
03/29/2012 15:51:49.429 iPhone4 5.1 (9B176) SHSH SUCCESSFULLY saved! [Click Here to Open]
03/29/2012 15:51:49.563 For version [iPhone4 4.3.5 (8L1)] - This device isn’t eligible for the requested build.
03/29/2012 15:51:49.602 APPLE is NOT signing iPhone4 4.3.5 (8L1) SHSH requests anymore. All you can do now is select CYDIA and hope that CYDIA has your SHSH saved. If not, there is nothing you can do.
03/29/2012 15:51:49.695 For version [iPhone4 5.0b2 (9A5248d)] - This device isn’t eligible for the requested build.
03/29/2012 15:51:49.723 APPLE is NOT signing iPhone4 5.0b2 (9A5248d) SHSH requests anymore. All you can do now is select CYDIA and hope that CYDIA has your SHSH saved. If not, there is nothing you can do.
03/29/2012 15:51:49.824 For version [iPhone4 5.0b4 (9A5274d)] - This device isn’t eligible for the requested build.
03/29/2012 15:51:49.876 APPLE is NOT signing iPhone4 5.0b4 (9A5274d) SHSH requests anymore. All you can do now is select CYDIA and hope that CYDIA has your SHSH saved. If not, there is nothing you can do.
03/29/2012 15:51:49.997 For version [iPhone4 5.0b6 (9A5302b)] - This device isn’t eligible for the requested build.
03/29/2012 15:51:50.027 APPLE is NOT signing iPhone4 5.0b6 (9A5302b) SHSH requests anymore. All you can do now is select CYDIA and hope that CYDIA has your SHSH saved. If not, there is nothing you can do.
03/29/2012 15:51:50.142 For version [iPhone4 5.0 (9A334)] - This device isn’t eligible for the requested build.
03/29/2012 15:51:50.180 APPLE is NOT signing iPhone4 5.0 (9A334) SHSH requests anymore. All you can do now is select CYDIA and hope that CYDIA has your SHSH saved. If not, there is nothing you can do.
03/29/2012 15:51:50.268 For version [iPhone4 5.1b1 (9B5117b)] - This device isn’t eligible for the requested build.
03/29/2012 15:51:50.305 APPLE is NOT signing iPhone4 5.1b1 (9B5117b) SHSH requests anymore. All you can do now is select CYDIA and hope that CYDIA has your SHSH saved. If not, there is nothing you can do.
03/29/2012 15:51:50.458 For version [iPhone4 5.1b3 (9B5141a)] - This device isn’t eligible for the requested build.
03/29/2012 15:51:50.630 APPLE is NOT signing iPhone4 5.1b3 (9B5141a) SHSH requests anymore. All you can do now is select CYDIA and hope that CYDIA has your SHSH saved. If not, there is nothing you can do.
03/29/2012 15:51:50.694 Finished saving SHSHs for [Mariocò]
03/29/2012 15:51:50.957 Caching shsh files…
03/29/2012 15:51:50.999 Found [1] shsh files to cache…
03/29/2012 15:51:51.043 Cached [1] shsh files

da quello che ho capito mi ha potuto salvare solo l’shsh del 5.1, del quale sinceramente non me ne faccio nulla…correggimi/etemi se sbaglio !
Ci sono altri metodi ?

Stai usando l’ultima versione di Tinyumbrella?
L’iPhone e’ acceso e collegato?
iTunes e’ aggiornato?
Cmq puoi crearti direttamente il custom di iOS 5.0.1 senza passare per iOS 5.1

sul pc sul quale ha funzionato TU, quest’ultimo ed iTunes erano aggiornati…( iTunes era chiuso nel momento dell’operazione ) e mi ha preso solo gli SHSH del 5.1 …

con iFaith ho provato a salvare gli shsh, e riesce solo a prendermi quello del mio attuale FW, il 4.3.1 …mentre dall’iPhone stesso posso salvare tutti gli shsh dal 4.0 sino al 5.1 tramite iSHSHit…come mai ?! c’è qualcosa che non va ? o non sono validi ? stranissimo…

( P.S.: una volta che creo il custom di iOS 5.0.1 e poi ripristino tramite iTunes, non perdo i 500mb, no ? )

ok ragazzi tutto ok !
L’unica cosa, mi dice
CAPIENZA: 13,6 gb

come mai ?!

il mio è da 16gb…

e altra cosa…reinstallato tutto e vedo che safari crasha ogni volta…ora ho ripristinato e jailbreakko di nuovo…dopo il ripristino io ho collegato l’iPhone al pc ed ho effettuato il backup da iTunes, non ho messo ’ configura come nuovo iPhone '…fa perdere i 500mb ?

No tranquillo, se l’iphone è da 16 gb, è normale ke ne hai un po di meno! Quei 2 gigabite occupati fanno parte dei file di sistema del firmware installato!
I 500 mb li perdi nel caso in cui aggiorni invece di ripristinare :slight_smile:

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@Mario, ricordati che è vietato uppare!! Se devi aggiornare e/o aggiungere qualcosa devi modificare il precedente messaggio. :wink:

chiedo venia, ma quando mi sono accorto del doppio post, non sono riuscito a cancellarlo :smiley:

ah una domanda importantissima, ragazzi…non ho più applicazioni sull’iPhone, iTunes mi ha dato problemi…però le avevo tutte ed 81 salvate sul pc…come faccio a riportare queste cartelle sul dispositivo affinchè me le legga correttamente ?
help ragazzi…

Tasto destro su “iPhone di xxxx” e fai trasferisci acquisti (o una cosa del genere, vado a memoria :smiley: )


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le app sono salvate su itunes, quando collegherai il dispositivo ti basterà ri-sincronizzarle

ma così mi sincronizza quelle che già HO su iPhone…

eh ma ci sono molte, parecchie che avevo, che su itunes non ci sono proprio perchè è una sync molto vecchia…le altre le ho sul desktop in cartelle alfanumeriche, con dentro tutti i dati, non in formato .***…ragazzi come posso risolvere ? :frowning: