
***annuncio non in regola

Leggi il regolamento prima di postare…

aggiorna il topic entro le 15 o chiudo

m sa che nn sa l’italiano…

è greco nella località O_o

e allora che vada su iphonegrecia.com :D:D:D:D:D:D

mi sa piu di truffa

[QUOTE=papo1984;396668]m sa che nn sa l’italiano…

è greco nella località O_o[/QU

Io non so parlare italiano, ma non riesco a capire…

Non giudicare da soli …
lo stesso si può dire degli italiani …

o non mente pouecho il miglior prezzo qui???

iPhone 4 iPad iPod Touch News | iPhone Hellas ed è quindi un po 'come la scrittura …
ma se si sarebbe venuto a tutti i nostri forum dovrebbe cercare di fare sentire a vostro agio e non al ridicolo come si fa …

tutti parlano inglese…

as i’ve said you via pm, there are some rules to respect to open a thread

thread closed

EDIT: here’s a translation of the section rules:

[quote=regulation]1. You must report the details of the object, such as:
_type of iPhone (2G, 3G o 3GS)
_firmware version
_if it’s unlocked or not (carrier unlock and jailbreak)
_if it’s new, used, broken etc
_payement method
_shipping method
_place where the object is
_ you must report if the object is on sell on other sites

  1. You must insert a picture of the object. The picture should have:
    _ A total representation of the object (not only the box. You can’t sell sealed objects)
    _a piece of paper with on it: “iphoneitalia.com”, the date and the seller nickname

That piece of paper must be in all the pictures of the thread

  1. You must specify in the title of the thread if you’re searching or selling.

  2. It’s forbidden to up (or bump) a thread more than once a day

  3. It’s forbidden to spam

  4. You must use the standard font (no colors or bigger text than the standard one)

  5. It’s forbidden to sell object that the seller don’t already own

  6. You must report if the object has been sold, so the moderators can close the thread

  7. You must reply to the thread of the “searching” section only with a link to a regular selling thread

  8. It’s forbidden to report any personal data in the selling thread, such as email, phone number etc. You must give those data via pm to the buyer[/quote]