vorrei ripristinare il mio iphone 3GS 16 Gb con sw 3.1.3 jailbreak spirit per poterlo aggiornare all’ultima versione disponibile con successiva possibilità di jailbrrakarlo di nuovo
ho inserito l’iphone su itunes e ho fatto il ripristino sia in modalità normale che in modalità ripristino con schermo nero e mi da sempre errore
ho provato a leggere in giro , e ho provato a scaricare tinyumbrella e ho provato a cliccare su enter recovery e mi fa diventare lo schermo con l’icona del cavo con il loghetto della musica e anche con quello il ripristino non avviene, uso un pc con win XP
come posso procedere?
se servono altre info vedo di reperirle e postarle tutte
mi sto documentando ma non ci salto ancora fuori
sto provando ad usare tinyumbrella 4.21.02
ho salvato SHSH e il log mi dice questo
12/22/2010 15:07:14.109 Loaded History… 12/22/2010 15:07:14.500 Caching shsh files… 12/22/2010 15:07:14.500 Found [0] shsh files to cache… 12/22/2010 15:07:14.515 Cached [0] shsh files 12/22/2010 15:07:14.968 Device connected: iPhone di FILIPPO 12/22/2010 15:07:14.968 Loaded History… 12/22/2010 15:07:14.984 You are using the current version of TinyUmbrella. 12/22/2010 15:07:20.796 Started saving SHSHs for [iPhone di FILIPPO] 12/22/2010 15:07:34.125 You have saved your iPhone3GS 4.2.1 (8C148a) SHSH locally and the request was sent to CYDIA. This means that CYDIA DOES have your SHSH. Do NOT bug semaphore about the Cydia home page showing this version. 12/22/2010 15:08:19.187 This device isn’t eligible for the requested build. 12/22/2010 15:08:19.203 CYDIA DOES NOT HAVE YOUR SHSH FOR iPhone3GS 4.0.2 (8A400) THERE IS NO WAY FOR YOU TO GET THEM. SORRY. YOU ARE JUST TOO LATE. 12/22/2010 15:08:22.281 This device isn’t eligible for the requested build. 12/22/2010 15:08:22.296 CYDIA DOES NOT HAVE YOUR SHSH FOR iPhone3GS 3.0.1 (7A400) THERE IS NO WAY FOR YOU TO GET THEM. SORRY. YOU ARE JUST TOO LATE. 12/22/2010 15:09:06.437 This device isn’t eligible for the requested build. 12/22/2010 15:09:06.453 CYDIA DOES NOT HAVE YOUR SHSH FOR iPhone3GS 4.1 (8B117) THERE IS NO WAY FOR YOU TO GET THEM. SORRY. YOU ARE JUST TOO LATE. 12/22/2010 15:09:08.703 This device isn’t eligible for the requested build. 12/22/2010 15:09:08.718 CYDIA DOES NOT HAVE YOUR SHSH FOR iPhone3GS 3.1.3 (7E18) THERE IS NO WAY FOR YOU TO GET THEM. SORRY. YOU ARE JUST TOO LATE. 12/22/2010 15:09:51.156 This device isn’t eligible for the requested build. 12/22/2010 15:09:51.171 CYDIA DOES NOT HAVE YOUR SHSH FOR iPhone3GS 3.0 (7A341) THERE IS NO WAY FOR YOU TO GET THEM. SORRY. YOU ARE JUST TOO LATE. 12/22/2010 15:09:56.890 This device isn’t eligible for the requested build. 12/22/2010 15:09:56.906 CYDIA DOES NOT HAVE YOUR SHSH FOR iPhone3GS 3.1.2 (7D11) THERE IS NO WAY FOR YOU TO GET THEM. SORRY. YOU ARE JUST TOO LATE. 12/22/2010 15:10:36.062 This device isn’t eligible for the requested build. 12/22/2010 15:10:36.078 CYDIA DOES NOT HAVE YOUR SHSH FOR iPhone3GS 4.2b3 (8C5115c) THERE IS NO WAY FOR YOU TO GET THEM. SORRY. YOU ARE JUST TOO LATE. 12/22/2010 15:10:41.312 This device isn’t eligible for the requested build. 12/22/2010 15:10:41.328 CYDIA DOES NOT HAVE YOUR SHSH FOR iPhone3GS 3.1 (7C144) THERE IS NO WAY FOR YOU TO GET THEM. SORRY. YOU ARE JUST TOO LATE. 12/22/2010 15:11:26.343 This device isn’t eligible for the requested build. 12/22/2010 15:11:26.343 CYDIA DOES NOT HAVE YOUR SHSH FOR iPhone3GS 4.0.1 (8A306) THERE IS NO WAY FOR YOU TO GET THEM. SORRY. YOU ARE JUST TOO LATE. 12/22/2010 15:11:35.578 This device isn’t eligible for the requested build. 12/22/2010 15:11:35.593 CYDIA DOES NOT HAVE YOUR SHSH FOR iPhone3GS 4.0 (8A293) THERE IS NO WAY FOR YOU TO GET THEM. SORRY. YOU ARE JUST TOO LATE. 12/22/2010 15:11:35.609 Finished saving SHSHs for [iPhone di FILIPPO] 12/22/2010 15:11:35.656 Caching shsh files… 12/22/2010 15:11:35.671 Found [1] shsh files to cache… 12/22/2010 15:11:35.703 Cached [1] shsh files
ragazzi sono nuovo del forum… ciao a tutti…
premettedo che non so come si apre una nuova discussione (se qualcun me lo spiega lo farò)
vorrei sapere se qualcuno sa se esiste un metodo per mettere l’ iphone 3g aggiornato a 4.2.1 in modalità DFU senza l’ utilizzo di tasti (perchè ho un tasto rotto) con windows 7
scusate se non è il posto giusto per scrivere, ma non so come aprire una discussione
grazie in anticipo
ma non credo sia obbligatorio metterlo in DFU, io volevo unbreakarlo ma non ci riuscivo facendo il ripristino normale e quello in DFU e nemmeno con tinyumbrella, poi ho provato a fare aggiorna sw all’ultima versione che propone itunes e mi ha funzionato