Problema nel sincronizzare la musica dopo il backup

salve sono nuovo ho iphone da 1mesetto ho aggiornato il firmware al 2.2.1 e ieri ho effettuato un ripristino dell firmware facendo il backup di tutto…una volta finito il ripristino ed il backup mancavano sole le canzoni da sincronizzare, quindi vado per sincronizzarle tramite la mia libreria di itunes ma quando lo faccio mi dice “impossibile sincronizzare file xkè nn sn stati trovati” e mi dice ke posso scollegare l iphone…ke devo fare come faccio a rimettere tutte le mie canzoni sull iphone? AIUTO grazie!!

Anke io ho lo stesso problema…soltanto ke invece di dirmi ke nn trova i file me ne sincronizza solo una parte…aiutateciiii

esattooo anche io di 250 tracce me ne ha trasferite 5… aiutooooooo…

my grandfather carried ice blocks

bump!!hahaMammaws main goals for me were that I would eat a lot, learn a lot, and always be neat and clean. We ate in the kitchen at a table next to the window. My high chair faced the window, and Mammaw tacked playing cards up on the wooden window frame at mealtimes so that I could learn to count. She also stuffed me at every meal, because conventional wisdom at the time was that a fat baby was a healthy one, as long as he bathed every day. At least once a day, she read to me from Dick and Jane books until I could read them myself, and from World Book Encyclopedia volumes, FFXI Gil which in those days were sold door-to-door by salesmen and were often the only books besides the Bible in working peoples houses. These early instructions probably explain why I now read a lot, love card games, battle my weight, and never forget to wash my hands and brush my teeth.I adored my grandfather, the first male influence in my life, and felt pride that I was born on his birthday. James Eldridge Cassidy was a slight man, about five eight, but in those years still strong and handsome. I always thought he resembled the actor Randolph Scott.When my grandparents moved from Bodcaw, which had a population of about a hundred, to the metropolis Hope, Papaw worked for an icehouse delivering ice on a horse-drawn wagon. In those days, refrigerators really were iceboxes, cooled by chunks of ice whose size varied according to the size of the appliance. Come and buy world of warcraft power leveling, cheap wow leveling, free wow power leveling web . warcraft gold webpage! Though he weighed about 150 pounds, my grandfather carried ice blocks that weighed up to a hundred pounds or more, using a pair of hooks to slide them onto his back, which was protected by a large leather flap.