salve a tutti,
vorrei porvi una domanda.
Mia Madre è appena partita per Dubai e gli ho chiesto di portarmi un iphone, secondo voi visto i recenti rumors mi conviene prenderlo ora o aspettare giugno?
Ps: Gli iphone provenienti da li sono sbloccabili giusto?
Sinceramente non so qual’è il prezzo ufficiale. Però i prezzo sono diversi di paese in paese…Anche se si paga in dollari, potrebbe esserci delle differenze. Chiedi a tua madre il prezzo e poi decidi. Se è conveniente ti consiglio di prenderlo.
400 euro…a questo punto è meglio prenderlo qui in italia…beh almeno da wireshop…o qualche negozio…online…che lo vende a poco e con garanzia…io nn lo prenderei a dubai…lo trovi a meno in italia di 400 euro…arrivano a qualcosa di meno…
Si scusatemi, ho fatto cerca è sono arrivato qui, anche se si parla del 2g ed io mi riferivo al 3g.
Poi di altro nn ho trovato, cmq scusatemi nn volevo…
Se mi indirizzi tu gentilmente mi faresti un grande favore, credimi ho fatto cerca e sono arrivato qui.
buona giornata.
It’s really a fact that gold is the most important thing to have if you’ve been playing World of Warcraft for a little while. It’s used to buy everything if you don’t have any the game just isn’t fun. In this online game, wow gold is used the most often. So, all players are concerned about how to get the gold needed to buy the things they require to make the game more interesting and fun. When it comes to moving through the game at a steady pace, this seems to be one of the biggest obstacles in their way. There are so many different reasons that gold is needed in any situation. On the one hand, it’s used to buy, improve or repair your armor. Sometimes things get damaged in battles and you need a way to fix these items to continue on. Traveling is important in World of Warcraft. It’s a huge world and you must go long distances. Walking or running everywhere you need to go will get old after a while and if you travel with a group, they will eventually leave you behind if you can’t keep up. You can use gold to buy mounts so you can travel much faster and easier. On the other hand, gold is needed to buy food and drink to keep your health and mana bars full. Here’re some important tips to getting gold in World of Warcraft. Follow these and you’ll have tons of gold and other players will be envying you. Above all, you can get bags in World of Warcraft even at level 1. Grab all that you can carry. If you happen to have a high level character, buy the biggest bags that you can and send them to your new character. This is really quite simple and very easy to understand that really most people fail to see. If you fill all 4 bag slots filled right away you can continue questing without having to return to sell off your items and you’ll level up faster. Also an important item is you’ll be able to make more gold as you won’t have to delete items to make room for others. You can sell all your loot when you return and make maximum profit even from the beginning. Secondly, grinding is one of the ways in which you can get wow gold, it may be time consuming. It is for sure that you can always sell items at a fair price that you have collected but don’t need to others that can use them. Thirdly, it is a great idea to sell items at the Auction House, which most of the players take advantage of this. If you have a character that is a high level you can transfer the gold to a lower level character as long as they are on the same server. Fourthly, you are able to create a character that does mining as a profession and you are also able to sell the ore that you mine for gold. Other characters can use their professions as well to make items other players need and sell them for gold. The Auction House is always has activity and buyers are always wanting leather, ore and herbs. So deliver the goods to them and get a nice profit all at the same time. Try it! The last but not least, you can offer service for others like leading them through quest for a fair amount of gold. It draws a conclusion that those are good options help you get started making more World of Warcraft gold game. You will have a very difficult time playing this game and you perhaps will not get very far without gold at hand. The shortcut is that you can always talk to other players and ask for suggestions on some of the best ways to acquire gold, which between them can be very helpful for your choosing. wow gold