Re: iphone : altro sito on-line
non l’ho mai sentito
puoi darmi qualche info??[/quote]
eccoti un link in inglese sulle differenze tra i 2 che incollo qui di seguito
Unlocking Methods 
Although the theory behind unlocking methods are the same in all three tools. The implementations are different. Technically, there’s no difference when unlocking a phone with bootloader 3.9, but for unlocking a phone with bootloader 4.6, things are different.
When ZiPhone sees bootloader 4.6, it downgrades it to 3.9 stock version automatically. As far as I can tell, there’s no way to raise your bootloader 3.9 stock to 4.6 at the time of this article is written. So when you have used ZiPhone on a bootloader 4.6 phone, your phone will stay in 3.9 forever unless new method is found.
iPlus takes advantages of the bootloader 3.9FakeBlank (by DevTeam), when it sees bootloader 4.6, it downgrades it to 3.9FB automatically. Since this operations is reversable, you may later upgrade to 4.6 or 4.6FB (also by DevTeam) with special software utility.
iLiberty+ goes futher than ZiPhone and iPlus, it utilizes the advantages of 3.9FB as well as gunlock, it can unlock a bootloader 4.6 phone with or without bootloader downgrade (to 3.9FB). If bootloader is not downgraded, baseband will change to 04.02.13 after unlock; if bootloader is downgraded, baseband version will not change after unlock. iLiberty+ doesn’t do downgrade automatically, it gives user the oppotunity to make the decision. iLiberty+ also uses 3.9FB to downgrade bootloader, so it’s reversable as well.
:ugeek: CONCLUSION :ugeek:
Since iLiberty+ and iPlus gives user a chance to revert back to bootloader 4.6, they both are the winner in this turn.
da ( … /#more-427)
Da questo forum, cosi’ come dai cugini francesi di e come consigliato da BigBoss community, il vantaggio di avere una patch non Apple sull’iphone, permette di non modificare veramente il bootloader e di poterlo spacciare come intatto(cosa non possibile con ziphone o meno facile)
…a te la scelta…il mondo è vario