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A febbraio 2013 avendo la necessità di sbloccare due iPhone 4S americani, ho seguito la vostra Jailbreak Wizard! dove mi appariva la scritta che ovviamente non erano sbloccabili tramite jb e il link “Il tuo iPhone è sbloccabile! Si può sbloccare con: FACTORY UNLOCK” ho aperto il link ed eseguito l’acquisto in preordine dello sblocco dei medesimi, pagando con carta di credito la somma di circa 50 euro, dopo qualche giorno mi è arrivata l’email dove mi dicevano che lo sblocco era disponibile, dovevo aggiungere altri 250,00 euro circa, pagamento che ho fatto immediatamente sempre con carta di credito.
Ho atteso circa un mese e non avendo ricevuto notizie, ho sollecitato, di seguito vi riporto lo scambio di comunicazioni
Mon Mar 18 2013 11:08 am
Hi, I want information for unlock of my iPhone Order Reference 1440893 Purchase: Official Factory Unlock for XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX (iPhone 4S) locked to Sprint USA Official Factory Unlock for XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX (iPhone 4S) locked to Sprint USA Transaction ID: 8a8394853cd8b80e013cf44237142371 Amount: EUR 266.40 Date: 02/19/2013 21:00:49 Name: MR xxxxxxxxxxxxxx Email: xxxxxxxxxxxx IP Address: xx,xxx,xxx,xxx or get my refund. thanks
Sun Mar 24 2013 04:36 pm
Hi, I have not received any reply, it’s been a long time now, please give me an urgent news. thanks
Mon Mar 25 2013 10:30 am
If we do not get the unlock confirm for your IMEI/ESN in the next 7 working days we shall get a refund issued for you
Mon Apr 08 2013 08:58 am
Hi, I have not received unlock of my two iphone 4s and even a refund. What should I do? thanks
Tue Apr 16 2013 11:34 am
hi, I have not received your news to unlock of my two iphone 4s or for refund of the amounts already paid by me in the last 2 months. I ask urgent answers. thanks
Tue Apr 30 2013 04:24 pm
I have not had any news from you, despite my repeated reminders. ASK immediately the release of my two iPhone or an immediate refund. thanks
Tue Apr 30 2013 04:27 pm
I have not had any news from you, despite my repeated reminders. ASK immediately Factory Unlock my two iPhone or an immediate refund. thanks
Mon May 06 2013 11:35 am
Hi, in reference to the official unlock by IMEI of my two iPhone: 1440893 Purchase Order Reference: Official Factory Unlock for XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX (iPhone 4S) locked to Sprint USA Official Factory Unlock for XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX (iPhone 4S) locked to Sprint USA Transaction ID: 8a8394853cd8b80e013cf44237142371 Amount: EUR 266.40 Date: 02/19/2013 21:00: 49 Name: MR xxxxxxxx Email: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx I have made numerous requests, but I only got your response: Mon March 25 2013 10:30 am “If we do not get the unlock confirm for your IMEI / ESN in the next 7 working days we shall get a refund issued for you” and nothing more. THEN REQUEST the total and immediate refund or unlocking, otherwise despite myself I will have to denounce you to the police post. thanks
Fri Jun 07 2013 08:32 am
hi, please give me information, in reference to the official unlock by IMEI of my two iPhone: 1440893 Purchase Order Reference: Official Factory Unlock for XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX (iPhone 4S) locked to Sprint USA Official Factory Unlock for XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX (iPhone 4S) locked to Sprint USA Transaction ID: 8a8394853cd8b80e013cf44237142371 Amount: EUR 266.40 Date: 02/19/2013 21:00: 49 Name: MR xxxxxxxxxxx Email: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx I have made numerous requests
Fri Jun 07 2013 10:40 am
hi, today I received this mail address: *** VERY IMPORTANT: DO NOT REPLY TO THIS EMAIL *** If you have any questions, please use this link to access your personal account manager: Official iPhone Unlock - Check your unlock status ************************************************** Dear xxxxxxxxxxxxxx Just to let you know our Sprint USA unlocking service has finally resumed, and we can unlock all handsets for £99.99 - timeframe is just 24-48 hours. Please note this window will not be open very long, so please get your orders in ASAP. Payment can be done with Visa or Mastercard and we now also accept Paypal now for extra convenience. It does, however, require a Facebook account. Simply click on the link below to get unlocked! [rimosso] but what does it mean?, I’ve already paid for, , I await the unlocking or refund from 02/19/2013 let me know. thanks
Fri Jun 07 2013 11:02 am
Sorry - it's actually offline. Supplier advised us incorrectly it was available so we've obviously made it unavailable so people don't purchase in error.
Fri Jun 07 2013 12:11 pm
Bene, anzi male, a tutt’oggi non mi hanno ne sbloccato gli iPhone ne rimborsato nulla, ne mi hanno più risposto in alcun modo.
Mi sono rivolto alla Polizia Postale ma mi hanno fatto capire che posso fare una denuncia, ma non otterrò praticamente nulla.
Siccome ho visto che il link è ancora collegato al vostro Wizard, nella piena consapevolezza che non sia responsabile di quello che fanno loro, volevo da voi dei consigli su come agire per ottenere questi benedetti sblocchi o il rimborso e sapere se qualcuno si è trovato nelle mie stesse condizioni.
Vi ringrazio anticipatamente e mi scuso per la lungaggine ma è stata necessaria per la chiarezza.