Ciao a tutti, dalla mia ricerca nelle varie discussioni non ho trovato alcun riferimento al diritto di recesso per un prodotto acquistato negli USA (spero di non sbagliarmi ;)).
Qualcuno saprebbe dirmi quali sono i termini del diritto di recesso in caso di acquisto iPhone 5S in un Apple Store in America?
Sul sito Apple se ho letto correttamente si parla di 30 giorni, mentre per gli altri prodotti sono 14.
Qualcuno ha avuto esperienze precedenti?
Sapreste confermarmi che esista anche in America il diritto di recesso nei suddetti termini?
Hai letto bene. Sono 30 giorni per l’Iphone e 14 per tutti gli altri prodotti Apple. Che non siano software etc.
Questo l’estratto generale sia per lo store online che lo store fisico. (è ovviamente in inglese)
We fundamentally believe you will be thrilled with the products you purchase from the Apple Store. That’s because we go out of our way to ensure that they’re designed and built to be just what you need. We understand, however, that sometimes a product may not be what you expected it to be. In that unlikely event, we invite you to review the following terms related to returning a product.
For iPhone returns, you may return your undamaged iPhone with its included accessories within 30 days of purchase for a full refund. Here’s the important part: returning your iPhone may not automatically cancel or reset your wireless account; you are responsible for your wireless service agreement and for any applicable fees associated with your wireless account. Please contact your provider for more information.
For any other product, simply return it with the original receipt (or gift receipt) and original packaging within 14 days of the date you receive the product. If the item is returned within this timeframe, we’ll exchange it or offer a refund based upon the original payment method. For returns to an Apple Retail Store for cash, cash equivalent, and check transactions over $250, Apple will mail a refund check to you within 10 business days. Please note the following:
Products can be returned only in the country in which they were originally purchased.
The following products are not eligible for return: electronic software downloads, subscriptions to the Software-Up-To-Date program, Apple Store Gift Cards, and any Apple Developer Connection products.
In the case of items returned with a gift receipt, Apple will offer you an Apple Store Gift Card equal to the purchase price of the gift, including tax and any other fees.
Opened software cannot be returned if it contained a seal with the software license on the outside of the package and you could read the software license before opening its packaging. As an exception, you may return Apple-branded software if you do not agree to the licensing terms; however, you may not retain or otherwise use any copies of returned software. It’s not legal . . . and it’s not nice.
Chiederò giusto conferma in loco per non inciampare clamorosamente, e poi proverò se funziona tutto come ho scritto nell’altra discussione sull’acquisto di 5S straniero.
Figurati, non devi chiedere scusa a me, è solo perchè così rimane tutto più chiaro e non si dispendono le informazioni.
Comunque se lo acquisti li, lo puoi restituire solo li. In qualunque Apple retail store, oppure lo spedisci in America. Ma non puoi riconsegnarlo in Italia