come configuro gli MMS?

ho provato a configurare gli MMS (3G fw 3.1.2)

ma non ho il menu per inserire i dati dell’apn

come faccio?

Usa Il Tasto CERCA e scrivi APN NASCOSTO…
Oppure scarica e installa in bundle MALEDETTA SEGRETERIA… :wink:

ho seguito il tuo consiglio ma non ho risolto :frowning:

maledetta segreteria come si installa?

È un file con estensione .ipcc sincronizzabile da iTunes cliccando su verifica aggiornamenti tenendo premuto il tasto alt(mac) o il tasto shift(Windows) che fa apparire il menù apn e, a scelta modifica anche il logo operatore
se il tuo pc non è abilitato per i file .ipcc vai in start- esegui e inserisci questa stringa:
c:\Program Files\iTunes

iTunes.exe /setPrefInt carrier-testing 1

why you need to know!

You do not necessarily need to be able to predict the news and you do not have to spend hours studying statistical returns in order to work out what the next financial report is likely to mean. Naturally if you can do that, you could have a huge advantage in the forex market place, but most of us are not interested or knowledgeable enough to make best use of our time in this way. Foreign exchange trading from the perspective of fundamental analysis is not the popular choice of the average retail type forex trader.But even if you prefer technical analysis, relying on charts and indicators for your predictions of price movements as most retail traders probably do, you should not ignore the economic and general news. It is still vital to know which events are happening in the world and when. In fact, the less you know about economics, the more important it is to be aware of the currency trading news calendar so that you can keep well out of the market at the time when major news is about to break. There is a very good economic news resource at the Forex Factory web site which gives an overview of the financial news events happening in the world on a calendar format which is free to view.

niente… non sono riuscito a risolvere :frowning:

Re: come configuro gli MMS?

Vai qui:

Direttamente da iPhone e ti scarichi il profilo di Vodafone