Prossima versione di Red Snow...e io?

Ecco la versione di redsn0w

Non dovrebbe essere per niente difficile (quando posso provo personalmente)

Per adesso assicurati di avere gli shsh di iOS 5.0.1

Ok,tutto fatto,ecco come fare il downgrade per iPhone 4S e iPad 2 con il nuovo redsn0w

Connetti il dispositivo a redsn0w
Spostati in “Extras” quindi in “Even more” e su “restore”

Ti si aprirà una schermata dove dovrai inserire il firmware che vuoi ripristinare (Select ipsw) e dovrai scaricare da uno dei link di questo stesso sito.

Inserito il firmware guarda in basso
Vedrai altre 2 opzioni

  1. Clicca la prima (local) se hai gli shsh del fw che vuoi ripristinare salvati sul tuo pc,redsn0w aprirà in automatico il percorso corretto e potrai selezionarli.
    Fatto questo clicca su “Next” e segui la procedura per mettere in DFU mode quindi attendi che il fw venga ripristinato direttamente dal programma (non dovrai usare iTunes)

  2. Clicca sulla seconda opzione (remote) se hai gli shsh salvati in Cydia
    Metti in DFU mode attendi che redsn0w finisca quindi il fw verra’ ripristinato in automatico.


sei sempre il numero 1 grande billie :wink:

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Prego :wink:

Cmq adesso anche la guida e’ stata aggiornata qui:

Ciao ragazzi !! Sinceramente mi ero arreso alla possibilita del downgrade poiche gli shsh non li ho salvati con tinyumbrella ! Ma visto il messaggio di “santiago” mi sorge un dubbio… È possibile che cydia me li abbia salvati in automatico ?? Perche sinceramente non ne posso piu dell’iphone originale :slight_smile: se fossi a casa proverei immediatamente ma sono in ufficio e fremo dall’idea e vorrei togliermi la pulce il prima possibile :slight_smile: grazie in anticipo!

Collega l’iPhone a Tinyumbrella e clicca su “save shsh”
Se li vedrai comparire nella home allora li avrà salvati in automatico se no niente.

Io ho salvato gli shsh 5.0.1 con un’app che si chiama iSHSHit e li ho inviati per mail al mio iMac dove li ho memorizzati in un hard disk esterno… Ho fatto bene oppure ho fatto una cavolata?.. Perché se apro cydia con l’ipad non mi fa vedere nessun shsh nella homepage.

Non importa,se hai gli shsh salvati fisicamente sul tuo Mac potrai sempre effettuare il downgrade ad iOS 5.0.1 :wink:

ragazzi scusate…, io sul mio pc, ho provato a fare una ricerca file con estensione .plist e mi ha trovato in una cartella chiamata shsh, un file nominato così : " 86b6f8b62eba0f114904824278696914c56fa9ea con estensione .plist
Può essere questo il certificato??

No,se salvi i certificati con Tinyumbrella e ti sposti in “log” troverai il link diretto che ti indirizzerà alla cartella dove sono salvati gli shsh

ma come dici tu x salvarli, vuol dire che sono da qualche parte sul telefono giusto? … raga scusatemi ste domande bestie, ma credetemi stò azzardando a parlare di ste cose con l’aggravante che metto in pratica le vostre procedure senza mai averne capito niente di sta roba…! quindi se faccio tutte ste domande è solo x cultura e tentare di nn sbagliare… Grazie ancora

No,fai come ti ho detto e vedrai che li troverai

ok ragazzi, avvio Tinyumbrella versione 5.11
all’avvio compare subito questa iimagine Immagine1.jpg
clicco ok e mi spunta questa immagine Immagine2.jpg
poi clicco sul lato sinistro iphone di Antonio e mi si illumina il tasto save shsh
gli clicco e comincia la procedura di salvataggio, ma se clicco poi in basso su LOG, ecco cosa mi scrive:

05/14/2012 14:03:19.178 Loaded History… 05/14/2012 14:03:20.665 Device connected: iPhone di Antonio Neri 05/14/2012 14:03:20.678 Loaded History… 05/14/2012 14:07:32.525 Caching shsh files… 05/14/2012 14:07:32.532 Found [0] shsh files to cache… 05/14/2012 14:07:32.538 Cached [0] shsh files 05/14/2012 14:07:32.545 You are using the current version of TinyUmbrella. 05/14/2012 14:07:55.874 Started saving SHSHs for [iPhone di Antonio Neri] 05/14/2012 14:08:00.217 For version [iPhone4S 5.0 (9A334)] - This device isn’t eligible for the requested build. 05/14/2012 14:08:00.230 CYDIA DOES NOT HAVE YOUR SHSH FOR iPhone4S 5.0 (9A334) THERE IS NO WAY FOR YOU TO GET THEM. SORRY. YOU ARE JUST TOO LATE. 05/14/2012 14:08:00.301 For version [iPhone4S 5.1 (9B179)] - This device isn’t eligible for the requested build. 05/14/2012 14:08:00.307 CYDIA DOES NOT HAVE YOUR SHSH FOR iPhone4S 5.1 (9B179) THERE IS NO WAY FOR YOU TO GET THEM. SORRY. YOU ARE JUST TOO LATE. 05/14/2012 14:08:01.078 For version [iPhone4S 5.1b1 (9B5117b)] - This device isn’t eligible for the requested build. 05/14/2012 14:08:01.091 CYDIA DOES NOT HAVE YOUR SHSH FOR iPhone4S 5.1b1 (9B5117b) THERE IS NO WAY FOR YOU TO GET THEM. SORRY. YOU ARE JUST TOO LATE. 05/14/2012 14:08:01.840 For version [iPhone4S 5.1.1 (9B206)] - This device isn’t eligible for the requested build. 05/14/2012 14:08:01.853 CYDIA DOES NOT HAVE YOUR SHSH FOR iPhone4S 5.1.1 (9B206) THERE IS NO WAY FOR YOU TO GET THEM. SORRY. YOU ARE JUST TOO LATE. 05/14/2012 14:08:01.919 For version [iPhone4S 5.1b2 (9B5127c)] - This device isn’t eligible for the requested build. 05/14/2012 14:08:01.928 CYDIA DOES NOT HAVE YOUR SHSH FOR iPhone4S 5.1b2 (9B5127c) THERE IS NO WAY FOR YOU TO GET THEM. SORRY. YOU ARE JUST TOO LATE. 05/14/2012 14:08:02.554 For version [iPhone4S 5.0.1b (9A406)] - This device isn’t eligible for the requested build. 05/14/2012 14:08:02.590 CYDIA DOES NOT HAVE YOUR SHSH FOR iPhone4S 5.0.1b (9A406) THERE IS NO WAY FOR YOU TO GET THEM. SORRY. YOU ARE JUST TOO LATE. 05/14/2012 14:08:03.266 For version [iPhone4S 5.0.1 (9A405)] - This device isn’t eligible for the requested build. 05/14/2012 14:08:03.278 CYDIA DOES NOT HAVE YOUR SHSH FOR iPhone4S 5.0.1 (9A405) THERE IS NO WAY FOR YOU TO GET THEM. SORRY. YOU ARE JUST TOO LATE. 05/14/2012 14:08:04.505 For version [iPhone4S 5.1b3 (9B5141a)] - This device isn’t eligible for the requested build. 05/14/2012 14:08:04.521 CYDIA DOES NOT HAVE YOUR SHSH FOR iPhone4S 5.1b3 (9B5141a) THERE IS NO WAY FOR YOU TO GET THEM. SORRY. YOU ARE JUST TOO LATE. 05/14/2012 14:08:04.534 Finished saving SHSHs for [iPhone di Antonio Neri] 05/14/2012 14:08:04.629 Caching shsh files… 05/14/2012 14:08:04.662 Found [0] shsh files to cache… 05/14/2012 14:08:04.672 Cached [0] shsh files

che cavolo vuol dire???

Vai in “advanced” e levar spunte da “request shsh” e da “set hosts cydia on Exit” quindi salva ancora i certificati.

Riportami cosa comparirà

05/14/2012 14:25:13.306 Loaded History… 05/14/2012 14:25:14.661 Device connected: iPhone di Antonio Neri 05/14/2012 14:25:14.672 Loaded History… 05/14/2012 14:25:53.906 Caching shsh files… 05/14/2012 14:25:53.911 Found [0] shsh files to cache… 05/14/2012 14:25:53.916 Cached [0] shsh files 05/14/2012 14:26:31.867 Started saving SHSHs for [iPhone di Antonio Neri] 05/14/2012 14:26:31.881 Started saving SHSHs for [iPhone di Antonio Neri] 05/14/2012 14:26:31.887 iPhone di Antonio Neri-iPhone4S 5.1.1 (9B206) is already in progress! 05/14/2012 14:26:31.894 iPhone di Antonio Neri-iPhone4S 5.1 (9B179) is already in progress! 05/14/2012 14:26:31.900 iPhone di Antonio Neri-iPhone4S 5.1b3 (9B5141a) is already in progress! 05/14/2012 14:26:31.907 iPhone di Antonio Neri-iPhone4S 5.1b2 (9B5127c) is already in progress! 05/14/2012 14:26:31.914 iPhone di Antonio Neri-iPhone4S 5.1b1 (9B5117b) is already in progress! 05/14/2012 14:26:31.926 iPhone di Antonio Neri-iPhone4S 5.0.1b (9A406) is already in progress! 05/14/2012 14:26:31.933 iPhone di Antonio Neri-iPhone4S 5.0.1 (9A405) is already in progress! 05/14/2012 14:26:31.942 iPhone di Antonio Neri-iPhone4S 5.0 (9A334) is already in progress! 05/14/2012 14:26:31.956 Skipping iPhone di Antonio Neri 05/14/2012 14:26:32.042 Caching shsh files… 05/14/2012 14:26:32.057 Found [0] shsh files to cache… 05/14/2012 14:26:32.064 Cached [0] shsh files 05/14/2012 14:26:32.109 Started saving SHSHs for [iPhone di Antonio Neri] 05/14/2012 14:26:32.116 iPhone di Antonio Neri-iPhone4S 5.1.1 (9B206) is already in progress! 05/14/2012 14:26:32.122 iPhone di Antonio Neri-iPhone4S 5.1 (9B179) is already in progress! 05/14/2012 14:26:32.130 iPhone di Antonio Neri-iPhone4S 5.1b3 (9B5141a) is already in progress! 05/14/2012 14:26:32.139 iPhone di Antonio Neri-iPhone4S 5.1b2 (9B5127c) is already in progress! 05/14/2012 14:26:32.164 iPhone di Antonio Neri-iPhone4S 5.1b1 (9B5117b) is already in progress! 05/14/2012 14:26:32.172 iPhone di Antonio Neri-iPhone4S 5.0.1b (9A406) is already in progress! 05/14/2012 14:26:32.179 iPhone di Antonio Neri-iPhone4S 5.0.1 (9A405) is already in progress! 05/14/2012 14:26:32.187 iPhone di Antonio Neri-iPhone4S 5.0 (9A334) is already in progress! 05/14/2012 14:26:32.195 Skipping iPhone di Antonio Neri 05/14/2012 14:26:32.212 Caching shsh files… 05/14/2012 14:26:32.219 Found [0] shsh files to cache… 05/14/2012 14:26:32.227 Cached [0] shsh files 05/14/2012 14:26:35.675 For version [iPhone4S 5.0 (9A334)] - This device isn’t eligible for the requested build. 05/14/2012 14:26:35.704 APPLE is NOT signing iPhone4S 5.0 (9A334) SHSH requests anymore. All you can do now is select CYDIA and hope that CYDIA has your SHSH saved. If not, there is nothing you can do. 05/14/2012 14:26:38.012 iPhone4S 5.1.1 (9B206) SHSH SUCCESSFULLY saved! [Click Here to Open] 05/14/2012 14:26:38.109 For version [iPhone4S 5.0.1 (9A405)] - This device isn’t eligible for the requested build. 05/14/2012 14:26:38.125 APPLE is NOT signing iPhone4S 5.0.1 (9A405) SHSH requests anymore. All you can do now is select CYDIA and hope that CYDIA has your SHSH saved. If not, there is nothing you can do. 05/14/2012 14:26:38.151 iPhone4S 5.1 (9B179) SHSH SUCCESSFULLY saved! [Click Here to Open] 05/14/2012 14:26:38.306 For version [iPhone4S 5.1b1 (9B5117b)] - This device isn’t eligible for the requested build. 05/14/2012 14:26:38.315 APPLE is NOT signing iPhone4S 5.1b1 (9B5117b) SHSH requests anymore. All you can do now is select CYDIA and hope that CYDIA has your SHSH saved. If not, there is nothing you can do. 05/14/2012 14:26:38.347 For version [iPhone4S 5.1b3 (9B5141a)] - This device isn’t eligible for the requested build. 05/14/2012 14:26:38.356 APPLE is NOT signing iPhone4S 5.1b3 (9B5141a) SHSH requests anymore. All you can do now is select CYDIA and hope that CYDIA has your SHSH saved. If not, there is nothing you can do. 05/14/2012 14:26:38.502 For version [iPhone4S 5.1b2 (9B5127c)] - This device isn’t eligible for the requested build. 05/14/2012 14:26:38.511 APPLE is NOT signing iPhone4S 5.1b2 (9B5127c) SHSH requests anymore. All you can do now is select CYDIA and hope that CYDIA has your SHSH saved. If not, there is nothing you can do. 05/14/2012 14:26:38.541 For version [iPhone4S 5.0.1b (9A406)] - This device isn’t eligible for the requested build. 05/14/2012 14:26:38.550 APPLE is NOT signing iPhone4S 5.0.1b (9A406) SHSH requests anymore. All you can do now is select CYDIA and hope that CYDIA has your SHSH saved. If not, there is nothing you can do. 05/14/2012 14:26:38.557 Finished saving SHSHs for [iPhone di Antonio Neri] 05/14/2012 14:26:38.574 Caching shsh files… 05/14/2012 14:26:38.581 Found [2] shsh files to cache… 05/14/2012 14:26:38.601 Cached [2] shsh files 05/14/2012 14:27:01.731 Started saving SHSHs for [iPhone di Antonio Neri] 05/14/2012 14:27:03.027 For version [iPhone4S 5.0.1b (9A406)] - This device isn’t eligible for the requested build. 05/14/2012 14:27:03.037 APPLE is NOT signing iPhone4S 5.0.1b (9A406) SHSH requests anymore. All you can do now is select CYDIA and hope that CYDIA has your SHSH saved. If not, there is nothing you can do. 05/14/2012 14:27:03.166 For version [iPhone4S 5.0 (9A334)] - This device isn’t eligible for the requested build. 05/14/2012 14:27:03.182 APPLE is NOT signing iPhone4S 5.0 (9A334) SHSH requests anymore. All you can do now is select CYDIA and hope that CYDIA has your SHSH saved. If not, there is nothing you can do. 05/14/2012 14:27:03.240 For version [iPhone4S 5.1b1 (9B5117b)] - This device isn’t eligible for the requested build. 05/14/2012 14:27:03.247 APPLE is NOT signing iPhone4S 5.1b1 (9B5117b) SHSH requests anymore. All you can do now is select CYDIA and hope that CYDIA has your SHSH saved. If not, there is nothing you can do. 05/14/2012 14:27:03.366 For version [iPhone4S 5.1b2 (9B5127c)] - This device isn’t eligible for the requested build. 05/14/2012 14:27:03.383 APPLE is NOT signing iPhone4S 5.1b2 (9B5127c) SHSH requests anymore. All you can do now is select CYDIA and hope that CYDIA has your SHSH saved. If not, there is nothing you can do. 05/14/2012 14:27:03.560 For version [iPhone4S 5.1b3 (9B5141a)] - This device isn’t eligible for the requested build. 05/14/2012 14:27:03.571 APPLE is NOT signing iPhone4S 5.1b3 (9B5141a) SHSH requests anymore. All you can do now is select CYDIA and hope that CYDIA has your SHSH saved. If not, there is nothing you can do. 05/14/2012 14:27:03.997 iPhone4S 5.1.1 (9B206) SHSH SUCCESSFULLY saved! [Click Here to Open] 05/14/2012 14:27:04.169 For version [iPhone4S 5.0.1 (9A405)] - This device isn’t eligible for the requested build. 05/14/2012 14:27:04.187 APPLE is NOT signing iPhone4S 5.0.1 (9A405) SHSH requests anymore. All you can do now is select CYDIA and hope that CYDIA has your SHSH saved. If not, there is nothing you can do. 05/14/2012 14:27:06.236 iPhone4S 5.1 (9B179) SHSH SUCCESSFULLY saved! [Click Here to Open] 05/14/2012 14:27:06.278 Finished saving SHSHs for [iPhone di Antonio Neri] 05/14/2012 14:27:06.335 Caching shsh files… 05/14/2012 14:27:06.350 Found [2] shsh files to cache… 05/14/2012 14:27:06.375 Cached [2] shsh files

ma poi xchè ora compaiono 2 versioni? Immagine3.jpg

Ok,non hai mai salvato gli shsh di iOS 5.0.1
Adesso hai salvato solo quelli che potevano essere salvati - iOS 5.1 ed iOS 5.1.1

Non potrai mai tornare ad iOS 5.0.1
Mi dispiace.

ed ecco cosa mi ha salvato Immagine4.jpg

aspetta fammi capire, ma questi ipotetici shsh di ios 5.0.1 se erano stati salvati, tinyumbrella dove sta controllando sul server di cydia???
